Monday, June 29, 2015

Happiness and Gay pride!!:))

This is my cousin Landon. He always has the biggest smile on his little inncoent face. From when he was a little baby he had a happy welcoming loving attidude and I admire that very much. Even though he is only so young he has an impact on me. Whenever im not the happiest I think about him. What im badically trying to put out here if you did not get it already was that happiness is the key to everything. Happiness tells so much about you. All im trying to say is if your not the happy think. just think. Now I want to talk about what has happened recently. This topic is probably going to be one of my favorites on this blog. My topic is us making history. Gay Pride. Its amazing that now everyone can live free and love whomever they would like. I think this has a huge impact on all of our happiness. Just imagine if you couldnt be with the person you love. One of my many favorite quotes from this event is: " why hate someone because they love someone." Thank you for all of the people who read my blog yesterday!! you dont know how HAPPY *winks* that made me:) Also i probably wont have the chance to post next week because im going to Lake Gerorge:( but as soon as i come back i will probably post like 2-3 times a day:) comment topic you would like me to discuss! if you would like send me a photo so i can post it above. well please stay happy!!- stephanie P.S sorry this was a long one:))

Sunday, June 28, 2015

learning to enjoy sunsets and rasing awareness for Yulin

Well my summer has been very exciting (( not )), but hopefully it will turn out a little better.. at least im hoping. woah woah woah where are my manners, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Stephanie and I enjoy life, summer time, snow cones, sunglasses and writing. Now that thats covered I need to tell all of you human beings (( or monkeys that somehow hacked into a computer and is reading my blog right now )) that are reading my blog to enjoy life. like the picture above. there is a beautiful sunset with people ENJOYING it not saying "well its going to be gone in like 20 mins anyway so why waste my time when I could be eating a snowcone." that was pretty deep, but hopefully you caught my drift. im going to be writing on this blog every single day going on about my happiness, problems, and whatver random comes to mind. so now that my intro is over im going to be disscussing a topic that has been on my mind alot latly. as some or many or you may know there is a festival which goes my the awful name Yulin. Yulin (( from what i have heard and read about correct me in the comments if im wrong )) is a festival in China i believe that kidnaps dogs from you home and boil them alive slowly but painfully. on instagram many people have tried to raise awareness of this horrid topic. it would be amazing if we could raise enough awareness. thank you for your time **drops mic** well until like tomorrow enjoy the sunsets and sunrises and HELP RAISE AWARENESS FOR YULIN!!!!- stephanie:)))